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Welcome to my little abode! This is home to all Skyy's wild mountain equids.

"" High up in the mountains of North America and Europe you will find a curious looking equid. It's short, with long, twiggy legs and swishing tail, similar to a cat's. It has a mane that continues down the back and part of the tail. Males are fluffier with underbelly fur and extra leg and face fur. They have extra large ears for better hearing, but small nostrils, so their sense of smell is worse. But then again predators can go down wind but nothing can stop the crumbling of rocky ledges. When it sleeps it curls it's tail around itself for warmth and comfort. These equids have no weapons and no strength so during mating the males make their mane stand on end and make themselves look bulkier. The horse with the longest mane and bulkiest body will create the hardier foals. But due to it's skinny legs and weak back you can't ride them. So it continued to live peacefully in the mountains. ""  - original species description; Horsy1050 on CS.


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