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Gender: Stallion

Height: 12.2h

Age: 1 year
Birthday: January 4th, 2016
Color: Grey Frame Overo (Bay base)

Previous Owners: None

Parents: Royal Atlantis & Stephen

Mate: Anna

Children: None

Bio: The ice harvester spent a large portion of his early life in the mountains because of this, becoming an individualist and avid survivor in the wilderness, and constantly proving himself to be self-reliant and efficient. In spite of his loner nature, and dislike for society, Kristoff has a loving heart, and at his core, is rather harmless, innocent, and protective. This is first evidenced by his relationship with Sven, whom he treats as his pet and closest friend, and is shown to value the reindeer's life above his own several times. Kristoff's inner softness and loving aura is further emphasized by his family, the trolls, who reveal Kristoff to be (despite his various flaws and shortcomings) sensitive and sweet when given the same treatment, which he proves through his friendship and eventual relationship with Anna. Kristoff is shown to be loving, respectful, and completely selfless and sacrificial. Kristoff allows himself to open up to the world around him, revealing himself to be rather bashful and quirky, mirroring Anna's personality. Also as a result of his love for Anna, Kristoff is willing to risk his own life and happiness, without hesitation, all in hopes of the former's own happiness. Kristoff appears to be more of a straight man, reacting to the mystical situations he and the other characters encounter with a generally down-to-earth viewpoint. Though not a pessimist, he acts more of a realist, though his care for others ultimately leads him to perform death-defying acts for the greater good 

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